25 (Mini) DIYs of Christmas: Santa Down the Chimney

Posted by Alexine Goldwag on


how to make a mini santa chimney

Here's how to make this amazing mini chimney using mini cinder blocks and red bricks!

Supplies needed from Mini Materials:

Mini Materials 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimney


Step #1:

mini materials - 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimney mini materials - 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimneymini materials - 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimney

Start building your chimney's structure with the 18 cinder blocks. See above for the correct way to build up the structure. Make sure that the cinder blocks are sitting as you see above (alternating) so the structure is strong.


Step #2:

mini materials - 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimney mini materials - 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimney

Now you are ready to begin placing the red bricks. Start at the bottom layer, shown on the above left photo. Each cinder block will have 2 levels of red bricks, and each side will end up have 6 rows and 24 red bricks.


Step 3:

mini materials - 25 mini diys of christmas - santa down the chimney

All Done! Complete your Chimney with a Santa!

artisan christmas christmasgifts Cinder blocks cinderblocks concrete crafting creativegifts decorations design diorama diy diygifts fungifts geekgifts gifts holidaydiy miniature miniatures minimaterials partydecor redbricks santa santaclause scalemodels stainedwood uniquegiftideas whiteelephant

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